Chemical Peels and Laser/IPL Procedures

Refreshed and Rejuvenated Skin

Men and women alike share a common desire to have healthy, youthful skin. Exposure to the sun and the elements in combination with adverse living habits contribute to the appearance of our skin. Chemical peels are increasingly popular with those who are unhappy about acne scarring, sun-damaged skin, age spots, freckles, fine lines, rough skin, and uneven pigmentation. Chemical peels are not limited to the face, and can be performed on the neck, chest, hands, and arms.

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are topically applied acids that aid in the restoration and rejuvenation of the skin’s surface. They create a uniform and controlled shedding of several layers of the skin. Depending on the nature and depth of the peel, a significant number of layers can be exfoliated allowing new growth to be exposed, creating a fresh vibrant appearance.

Who are candidates?

Your skin type and the results you are aspiring to achieve will determine if you are a candidate, as well as which class of peel is most appropriate for you.

What are the benefits of a Chemical Peel?

[Chemical Peel Before and After] Chemical Peels can enhance your appearance by reducing blotchy and uneven pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, freckling, age spots, sun-damaged skin, and acne scars in a relatively brief measure of time. Chemical Peels accelerate the production of new cells. Enjoy fresh smooth skin—immediately after your first treatment!

What are the side effects?

Chemical peels have become increasingly popular because of the array of advantages and relative lack of complications. Side effects are mild and usually temporary. Some side effects include uneven pigmentation, redness, and very infrequent scarring if the skin is not cared for appropriately. Sun protection is crucial to minimize the risk of side effects. A treatment program of individually suited products and sun protection will benefit your skin’s ability to maintain the results of the peel.

You can decrease the likelihood of side effects by carefully following the instructions of your treatment provider.

Types of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are classified as Superficial, Medium, and Deep Peels

Superficial Peel

This peel is designed to help smooth coarse, dry skin, improve the texture of sun-damaged skin, and even out skin tone. The recovery is generally rapid and usually involves some minor flaking. A series of treatments is ordinarily recommended to obtain the desired result over a period of time. Typically, there is no down time and with appropriate sun protection, you can resume regular activities immediately.

Medium Peel

Medium Peels contain a stronger potency of acids. Medium Peels target the epidermis and upper dermis and cause the skin to slough within 5 to 7 days. Immediately after treatment the skin has a red appearance and is occasionally accompanied by swelling. Within a day the skin turns brown in color, and after 3 or 4 days the skin initiates the peeling process.

Deep Peel

Deep Peels product the most dramatic results. This peel is recommended for treating wrinkles, scars, blemishes and, in some cases, precancerous skin lesions. A Deep Peel targets the dermis. In some cases, anesthesia is required during the procedure to reduce the warm to hot stinging sensation. After a Deep Peel, the skin is red and can result in some swelling and blistering. A crust may form and the skin will turn brown just prior to peeling. Many layers of skin will peel over a period of 1 to 2 weeks. An ointment may be given to keep the area moist. Temporarily, the new skin will have a color and sensation of significant sunburn, which will gradually fade to your normal skin color.

BOTOX Cosmetic

Wrinkle Relief

After years of squinting, laughing, frowning, smoking, and worrying, the skin around the eyes and on the forehead will often develop deep lines and wrinkles called “expression lines.” A frequent concern is that they often make you look older, tired, or stressed. Until recently, these advanced furrows have been difficult to treat. Now, by utilizing this FDA approved muscle-relaxing agent, expression lines can be significantly reduced.

How long does a BOTOX Cosmetic treatment last?

The effects usually last 3 to 4 months, and fade away gradually. Following several treatments, the results may last 4 to 8 months or longer. BOTOX Cosmetic offers extended relief over the course of long-term treatment.

What is BOTOX Cosmetic?

BOTOX Cosmetic is a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent derived from the bacterium, Clostridium Botulinum. For over a decade ophthalmologist have applied BOTOX Cosmetic for its original intention, the treatment of blepharospasm. Physicians have utilized BOTOX Cosmetic treatment to correct visible signs of stress and aging.

How does BOTOX Cosmetic work?

The contractions and movements of the facial muscles are controlled by signals from the brain. BOTOX Cosmetics simply prevents the muscles from allowing responses to these messages. As a result, the muscle relaxes and the overlying skin remains unwrinkled and smooth.

What is treatment like?

With a very fine needle, BOTOX Cosmetic is injected into the specific muscle that is contracting and causing the lines and wrinkles on the face. Treatment is effective, safe, and takes approximately 10 minutes. The pain is minimal “pin prick” and no anesthetic is required. Immediately following treatment, you may resume regular activities!

Are there any possible side effects?

Side effects of BOTOX Cosmetic, if any, are usually mild and temporary. Botulinum toxins contain proteins, which some circumstances may be naturally safeguarded against by the body’s ability to produce antibodies. If antibodies are formed,the therapy will generate a lesser response. Temporary bruising is sometimes experienced, through this symptom resolves itself within 2 to 3 days. In rare cases, there can be a slight drooping of an eyelid or asymmetry of expression. If this should happen, return to your physician.

What type of results will I see?

Typically, the effect of BOTOX Cosmetics is visible within 3 days. Maximum benefits are reached between 10 to 14 days. Once the muscle becomes dormant and the skin softens, you will have a more relaxed and youthful appearance. BOTOX Cosmetic therapy in conjunction with a facelift, laser resurfacing, and skin rejuvenation.

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